Never pet a growling Harv dawg!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Trail Running Etiquette

I have recently noticed that because of the explosive growth of trail running, many novices to the sport are not practicing basic trail etiquette. Most trail courtesy is obvious, but if the offender is recently from another sport (like NASCAR or road cycling) blocking another competitor may not only be acceptable it is to be expected! Trail running however, should be thought of as a team sport where everyone else on the trail is a member of your team.

Yield - always yield to faster runners, beasts, bikes, and motor vehicles. If being passed step to the side, if passing, loudly announce your intentions. Yield regardless of who may actually have the right of way. Do it cheerfully!

Wait – in a group training run have specific places where everyone in the group arrives before continuing. Dividing the group into subgroups based on ability levels is acceptable. A subgroup of one isn’t!

Accompany – never allow the slowest runner to run alone, and never leave in your vehicle while a lone runner is still out on the trail. It is very nice to have a designated partner in the event a person new to trail running shows up at a run…

Litter – don’t do it – and if you have a pocket, pick up after the last slob!

MP3s – Mean you are either a solitary runner or are anti-social… it is impolite to wear one during a group run. And, they are an impediment to hearing an approaching runner, beast (as in Mountain Lion), or vehicle (as in off-road maniac)… see “yield”!

Reliance - Don't rely on being rescued by someone else if you neglect your equipment or forget to bring hydration andor nutrition. Bring enough for yourself and someone else (even though they don't deserve it)!

Privacy – Never repeat any personal information shared with you during a run. What is said on the trail stays on the trail. Our sport is our therapy, our running companions are our therapists!